Anatomical Human Brain Cross-Section Model
SKU 00115
Price incl. GST (10%) AU$8.09
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Product Details
This model is designed as a visual learning aid of brain anatomy and physiology courses. It is suitable for neurology, general anatomical study, training for surgical dissection, sports medicine, or for patient education/demonstration of procedures.
The half-life-size brain model is accurately designed and colored to represent the major structures of the human brain.
It features the: Frontal, Parietal, Occipital and Temporal lobes; Cerebellum; Interthalmic adhesion; Corpus callosum; Pons; Midbrain-central peduncle; Olfactory bulb; Optic nerve; Optic chiasm; Mammillary body; Medulla oblongata.
This product is made of washable, high-quality PVC and stands on a base.
Size of Brain: 16.5 x 13 x 6cm
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Anatomical Human Brain Cross-Section Model
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