Life-Size Anatomical Human Heart Model

SKU 00044
Price incl. GST (10%) AU$5.00
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Product Details

This heart model beautifully shows the anatomy of the human heart with ventricles, atriums, valves, veins, and the aorta in great anatomical detail.

The front heart wall is removable to view the chambers and internal structures.

This model is excellent for studying anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

It is the perfect teaching aid that helps the students to understand the external features and internal structures of the heart, and its relation with the large blood vessels.

Thus a clear understanding of the routes of the systemic and pulmonary circulation can be obtained.

It is dissectible into 2 parts and sits on a stand. This product is made of high-grade PVC material.

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Life-Size Anatomical Human Heart Model