Advanced Enlarged Anatomical Human Heart Model

SKU 00195
Price incl. GST (10%) AU$11.00
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Product Details

This model is designed as a visual leaning aid for anatomy and physiology courses.

Helps students understand the external features and internal structures of the heart, and its relation with the large blood vessels.

3 times enlarged.

Dissects into 5 parts.

Thus a clearer conception of the routes of the systemic and pulmonary circulation can be obtained.

The model shows the anatomy of human heart with aortic arch, coronal section of atrium and ventricle, valves and veins in great anatomical detail.

The blood supply of the heart is conveyed by right and left coronary arteries, coronary sinus and great, middle and small cardiac veins, etc.

It demonstrates the left and right atrium and the left and right ventricles

It also demonstrates the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve in the heart.

This model is made of washable, high-quality PVC and sits on a base.

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Advanced Enlarged Anatomical Human Heart Model